4C's Blog

Blogging our work to the world!

From Sebastian………

Guess who I met? I’ll give you a clue ? ….. the 8th… We met at Portsmouth when we went to see the Mary Rose.

I am looking forward to be learning about the Mary Rose next year.

from Sebastian : )


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During the summer holidays…….

It would be a good idea to keep up your skills over the holidays, and we would really recommend that you do some of the following:

Read lots of different types of books
Post book reviews on the Year 4 Blog
Send ‘postcards’ to us via the Blog to let us know what you’re up to

Practise your skills on Mathletics. How many Gold certificates will you earn?
Play games on these websites –
You can also use playing cards to practise your skills:
• Find different ways to sort the cards
• Times tables – decide on a times table you want to practise. Turn over the top card and multiply that number by your chosen times table, turn over the next card and do the same. Keep doing this for a minute and count up how many you have done. Challenge a friend to see who can get through the most in a minute!
• Number Bonds – as above, but say the number that, when added to the number you have turned over, makes 10
• Addition – turn over two cards and add them together. How many can you do in 30 seconds?
• Subtraction – as addition, but take the smaller number away from the bigger number


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