4C's Blog

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Mrs Whinnett’s Initiative Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? Following on from Mrs Whinnett’s PSHE lesson on initiative, you have been set the challenge of showing us how you use your initiative outside school. Ask someone to take a photo of you to show us how you have completed the challenge and add it to this post with a description of what you did.

Top tips:

Don’t wait to be told – be a self starter!


From Zachary:

I have been using my initiative this week.

I’ve been practising my piano without being asked. Also, when I accidently spilled a bowl of crisps on the floor, I used my initiative to sort out the mess and swept up without being asked!


From Jenson:

I’ve been using my initiative lately, and had lots of fun doing it.

I got all the dogs food ready and gave it to them without being asked. After school I asked my mum to make deserts for everyone, my mum replied yes, so I made pancakes. Everyone enjoyed the pancakes.


Coordinates practice


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Homework 8.2.19

Next week we will be writing our entries for the BBC 500 Word Competition. Your homework is to spend some time exploring the website for ideas:


Listen to some of the winning stories and make notes on why you think they were so successful:


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Can I ADD SPICE to my sentences? Homework 4.2.19

To craft interesting, engaging sentences we should ADD SPICE to the beginning of our sentences.


AD = adverb (Angrily, Cautiously, Quickly, Thoughtfully, Excitedly)
D = determiner (The, A, An, One, Two, Three,This, That, Those, These, A few, Many, Some,His, Her, My, Your)
S = simile (Like slithering snakes, As low as the sea, Black like night, As quick as a thought)
P = preposition (Aboard, Above, Around, Below, Beneath, Beside, Between, In front of, Inside)
I = ing words (Abandoning, Calling,Circling, Creeping, Dashing, Delaying, Feasting, Guarding)
C = connectives (After, Although, As well as, As if, Because, Before, Despite, Even if, Except)
E = ed words (Bewildered, Coaxed,Comforted, Damaged, Determined, Fooled, Frightened, Frustrated)


In your homework books, write a descriptive paragraph about one of these pictures, using different sentence openers from our list.

Images for sentence openers-1dsu5a3

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